Thursday, September 3, 2020


As I was so bad with introduction, I will just straight away begin my speech.


WHAT?! 2020 ALREADY???!

Haha. It feels weird to finally sit down and actually write a post after I neglect the blog for so long. I believe the music no longer works as it did before and some links went error as you click. I am using my phone to create this post, with the help on keyboard extension, of course. It feels more weird because the keyboard is so small, not the one I used at work. Nevertheless, I will try to keep it short unlike my previous post.

There is like, a huge gap of years between my last post with the one I currently create. Approximately, 6 years? So many things happen in between and I am in a love-hate relationship with those changes. I know no one interested with th changes, but I’m going to tell anyway.

1) I Took a huge baby step by looking a job by my own. Getting a place for my own and live alone. Trying to support my own bills and commitments. Of course, love is not a part of the plan and I still am single. Even after a few trials, but meh. I’ll just celibate.

2) Ibu is getting close to freed herself from hell. I finally can joke about getting a rich step-father with her, also taking a baby step to not scold her much.

3) I am getting good at controlling my anger, and I dare say that my anger management have been manage well for the past few years. Except for the cussing, bad habit hard to break, I admit.

4) As you know, I lost a lot of friend. However, I also gained a whole ton of new ones to replace those whom I lost. Better, I guess. Much more better.

5) This is the last one and I believe you wouldn’t believe it, even. I actually good in talking now. I can manage my stage fright, I can do presentation with confident. There is so much more to unlock within me, but I guess so far this is what I do best at the moment. I’m still young, aye?

Honestly, reading all of those post I made during my teen is refreshing. It seems like I had a normal childhood like other kids around my ages. It’s as if the things I experienced and felt are just lies and it feels good at some point. It makes me reminiscence the good memories before all hell break loose. These days I keep looking for the past that I cherish. I keep trying to make them a part of me again. Am I lonely? Maybe I am, but I just don’t want to admit it and keep myself away from people. That’s... what I hate the most about myself. I keep running away from asking for help and it happens all the time.

Anyways, I didn’t mean to rant about my life here. Just enough to keep those who are wondering updated.

Till then, see you when I see you. ❤

Thanks For Everything